393. School Poonagala – No 2 Tamil primary (UVA Prov) coordinates 6.775635, 81.052218

393. School Poonagala – No 2 Tamil primary (UVA Prov) coordinates 6.775635, 81.052218

Rural school with totally 87 children grade 1-5 from poor families and 10 teachers make use of the new facilities.
School is situated in very rural area (Poonagala village), far away from the Bandarawela town area Badulla District in Uva Province, and villagers who are living here is very poor, and some parents of the children working as daily labours in tea estates for low salary.
The existing pipeline from the mountain source is more than 45 years old; a lot of leakage through broken decayed pipes

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391. School Poonagala Tamil Maha Vidyalaya (UVA Prov)

391. School Poonagala Tamil Maha Vidyalaya (UVA Prov)

Rural school with 684 children grade 1-13 from poor Tamil families and 29 teachers make use of the new facilities.
School is situated in very rural area (Poonagala village), far away from the Bandarawela town area Badulla District in Uva Province and villagers who are living here is very poor, and some parents of the children working as daily labours in vegetable farms and tea states.
The existing pipeline from the mountain source is more than 50 years old

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360. Disabled home Olanda Waththe

360. Disabled home Olanda Waththe

60 people with a mental, physical disability make use of the new facilities.
This home is situated on a mountain where 60 people with a mental, physical disability live. The problem is that they have been running out of water for many years (more than 30 years). In the past they have tried everything to get the water to the disabled home but their all attempts were unsuccessful. The water is currently supplied with jerry cans, brought with a tuk-tuk. They don’t know how to proceed.

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414. School en community Glenanore Tamil UVA Prov

414. School en community Glenanore Tamil UVA Prov

Rural school with 580 children grade 1-13 and 30 poor Tamil families and 32 teachers make use of the new facilities.
Located in tea plantation. Once a week they receive limited water from the plantation.
The principal is really desperate. He made many phone calls to KSLF. The parents of the school children working in tea estates as daily labours and they cannot bare the expenses for the new water supply because the primary school section situated in 2 separate

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409. School Walasbedda (UVA Province)

409. School Walasbedda (UVA Province)

Rural school with 125 children grade 1-11 from poor families and 22 teachers make use of the new facilities.
Villagers who are living here is very poor, and some parents of the children working as daily labours in vegetable farms and some others working as daily labours in the town. Inside school no water at all.
Realized, water and sanitation facilities:
Construct a new dug well with concrete ring elements,

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408. School Dowa Vidyalaya (UVA Prov)

408. School Dowa Vidyalaya (UVA Prov)

Rural school with 220 children grade 1-11 from poor families and 22 teachers make use of
the new facilities.
The school is situated in isolated rural area, far from the main city Badulla in Uva province.
We realized that they were struggling with less water facilities and they had not proper
water delivery system in this school for many years.

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