310. Preschool Kandegama (Uva province)

310. Preschool Kandegama (Uva province)

A rural and poor preschool with 12 children, from very poor families and 2 teacher use the new facilities.
The preschool is situated in total isolated rural area and far from the Bibila city area in Uva province. This preschool is running with the help of the parents and Buddhist monk

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Update COVID-19 pandemie in Sri Lanka

Medio september zijn onze veldwerkzaamheden in Sri Lanka weer voorzichtig opgestart.
Het heeft slechts 2 weken zo mogen zijn, sinds begin oktober liggen alle werkzaamheden opnieuw noodgedwongen stil.
Scholen zijn gesloten en in diverse regio’s is er weer een avondklok ingesteld.

We wachten/hopen op betere tijden.

378. School Weherayaya Kanishta (UP)

378. School Weherayaya Kanishta (UP)

A rural and very poor school and a preschool with 150 Children grade 1 – 11 from poor families and 22 teachers use the new facilities.
School is situated on very far from the Wellawaya city area in Uva Province and villagers who are living here is very poor, and parents of the children working as daily labors. There is no water at all in the dry season,

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377. School Kadiyanlena Tamil CP

377. School Kadiyanlena Tamil CP

A rural and poor Tamil school with 192 Children grade 1 – 11 from poor families and 14 teachers use the new facilities.
School is situated on very far from the Nawalapitiya city area in Central Province. People living here is very poor

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376. School Kadiyanlena Kanishta (CP)

376. School Kadiyanlena Kanishta (CP)

A rural and poor primary school and a preschool with 70 children grade 1 – 5 from very poor families and 4 teachers use the new facilities.
School is situated in away from the Nawalapitiya city area in Central Province. Families living in this village is very poor, and children’s parents working in tea states

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Update COVID-19 pandemie Sri Lanka

Update COVID-19 pandemie Sri Lanka

Sinds begin maart liggen onze veldwerkzaamheden noodgedwongen stil. Avondklok (totale lockdown) ingesteld tot begin juli.
Nu lijkt er weer enige beweging te komen in de economische activiteiten.
Dan volgt het volgende bericht:

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