A rural and very poor school with 325 children grade 1 – 11 from poor families and 18 teachers use the new facilities.
School is situated in Samagipura village, far from the Puttlam Town area in North Western Province and villagers who are living here is very poor, and some parents of the children working as daily labors in bricks factories and coconut states, and some others working as farmers in rice field and chena farms in Wanathvilluwa area and there are no any government servants in this village. Many years they had big issue with sanitary facilities without proper toilet and latrine system.
Realized, improved water and sanitation facilities:
Construct new complete 3 toilets complex, construct completed 4 latrines complex, supply total pipeline system to school and school premises and existing school buildings and existing toilets, supply 500L water stock tank, construct 1 hand washing (1 unit has 4 taps), painting all constructions.
Parents, teachers helped for transport materials from the gate to construction sites, digging for the pipe line, toilet pit, and painting.