448. Uwakele Tamil Community + School + Dispensary (Uva Prov)

One of the poorest community in the Badulla district with 60 Tamil families with 300 people with children who are living in 4 line houses in this community, make use of the new water facilities.
This community is situated on a mountain about 1.300 m high, inside the Madolsima lunugala tea estate in Uva Province where 300 poor Tamil people living. The problem is that they have been running out of water for many years and they had not permanent solution for the running water. In the past they have tried everything to get the water to the community but their all attempts were unsuccessful.
The water is currently supplied with jerry cans and they had a temporary water system from a small water stream near by the community. They don’t know how to proceed for a permanent solution and also no enough financial background.
After an intensive investigation Kansarmen S L Foundation sees the opportunities and found a solution. At the bottom of the mountain we decided to make an open dug well at a distance of 1.500m from the community, to pump water up to the mountain for the stock tank and from there we delivered the water for the 60 families in line houses. This will solve the water problem once and for all.
Realized, improved water facilities:
Used existing open dug well, construct a pump house and control panel, supply 2 extra heavy electric water pump, supply electricity connection, construct concrete water stock tank 25.000 L capacity, construct total pipeline system for the 60 families, for the school and for the dispensary (3 km long), After completion of the project successfully they have daily running water throughout the year for drinking and cleaning purpose.


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