434. School Senarathpura Vidyalaya (CP)

A rural and isolated poor school with 200 Children grade 1 – 11 from poor families and 16 teachers use the new facilities.
School is situated on very far from the Ragala city area in Central Province and villagers who are living here has very low income, and most of the parents of the children working on tea states as daily labors and they are living in line houses. There is no water at all during the whole year, No drinking water and no water for cleaning toilets, especially for the female students and teachers struggling for water for their sanitary needs, they have to walk for water nearby houses, they had this water and sanitation issue for 7 years.
Realized, water and sanitation facilities:
Reconstruct open source well, supply total pipeline system from source well to school premises (800m long) and extend the pipeline system to the existing school buildings and existing toilets, reconstructed the existing 2 hand washing units and construct new 2 hand washing units (one unit has 4 taps), construct 4 tap posts, paint the new constructions. After the new water facility they can plant the trees we supplied to them and now parents can cultivate vegetables in the school premises.
Parents and teachers helped to carry materials from the gate to construction sites, digging for the pipe line and laying.

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