419. School Galaboda Tamil Vidyalaya (CP)

A poor and rural Tamil school with 300 children grade 1 – 11 from poor families and 21 teachers use the new facilities.
CP/K/Galaboda Tamil School is situated in the Galaboda Grama Niladhari Division of the Pasbagekoralaya Divisional Secretary’s Division in the Kandy district of the Central Province. The famous Galaboda waterfall is located 3 km away from the school. The school’s atmosphere is characterized by a rural Tamil student community and reportedly began in the year 1988. The parental community, primarily employed as laborers in the tea plantation sector, as well as in urban areas like Nawalapitiya, is characterized by low income and marginalized status. In general the Tamils are a disadvantaged group.
There has been no systematic water supply from the pipeline for many years, especially during the dry period, due to the drying up of the water source. This scarcity has significantly affected the availability of safe drinking water and the maintenance of sanitation in the school. The school community was unable to get external support to mitigate the existing issue until the Catz Charity Foundation and Kansarmen S L Foundation implemented the sustainable project.
Realized, water and sanitation facilities:
Reconstructed the main existing source well. Supply total pipeline system (750m long) to school and school premises and existing school buildings and existing toilets, construct a low concrete water stand and supply 2.000L water tank, reconstructed and existing water tank, construct four toilet building complex, construction of 4 hand washing units (1 unit has 4 taps), construct 3 tap posts, painting all constructions.
Parents and teachers helped to carrying materials to the site.

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