416. Wagama school (Uva Province)

A very poor school with 316 Children, grade 1 – 11 from low income families and 19 teachers use the new facilities.

The school is situated in isolated rural area and away from the city area in Uva Province. In dry season there is no water in school well and no water for drinking and even for cleaning purposes. This school is struggling for water many months during the year, this is a terrible situation for children, specially for girls and female teachers. Majority of the Parents working in paddy fields for their family income and some others do daily labor, these villages are very poor. Realized, improved water and sanitation facilities: Water place investigations, water quantity and quality testing, construct a new deep tube well 60 meters deep, construct a pump house and electrical panel board, supply a new electrical cable 30 meters long, reconstruct existing concrete water tower, total pipeline system for the school premises 680 meters long and connect the water connection for the existing 8 toilet buildings, construct new 3 sink (one unit has 5 taps), construct 5 tap posts, paint all our constructions, Etc… Parents and children help: transport materials from the gate to construction sites, digging and fixing for the pipe line.

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