Rural school with 580 children grade 1-13 and 30 poor Tamil families and 32 teachers make use of the new facilities.
Located in tea plantation. Once a week they receive limited water from the plantation.
The principal is really desperate. He made many phone calls to KSLF. The parents of the school children working in tea estates as daily labours and they cannot bare the expenses for the new water supply because the primary school section situated in 2 separate places from the secondary school.
Realized, water and sanitation facilities:
Deep tube well drilling 65 meters deep, construct 1 new toilet complex with latrines and urinals, reconstruct 1 toilet building with latrines and urinals, construct low concrete water tower and iron water tower with ladder and hand rail, reconstruct an old existing concrete water tower, supply electric underwater pump, construct pump house, supply electricity panel board with electrical cable, supply 2.000L and 5.000L water tanks, construct total pipeline system in school premises and extend the pipe line to the primary school and supply connection to school buildings and sanitary facilities, construct 6 hand washing units (1 unit has 4 taps) and 7 tap posts for the secondary and primary school and one tap post outside the school for the 30 families to get the water.
Parents and children help: transport materials from gate to construction sites, digging for the piping.
We had to spend more money than we estimated because,
We did estimate on end of the year 2018 for the project and we could not finished the project within the deadline due to Easter attack in year 2019, and landslides due to the heavy rain in middle of the year 2019 and also the COVD 19 pandemic. And by the year 2020/2022 the prices of every material increased more than 50%.
Because of the COVID 19 pandemic we had to restart the project several time.
When we start the project, the primary section has moved to a another place and the primary section devided in to two parts (The other side of the main road) so we had to extend the pipeline from secondry school to primary schools across the main road, because of this reason the length of the pipeline and the other materials increased.
We had to construct new complex of toilets, urinals, extra 3 handwashing units and 7 tap posts to the primary school what we not estimated.
We had to construct new iron water tower (15 feet high) with 2.000L water tank and supply new water system.
Extra tap post for a line house community (30 families).
We planed to make hard rock deep tube well, but we had to use mud drilling system because of the mud earth and this type drilling is much more expensive.
Construct extra low concrete water tower, and supply 1.000L water tank.