Rural school with 265 children grade 1-13 from poor families and 12 teachers make use of
the new facilities. School receives limited time water through a small pipeline from the community: once a
week only! No water no toilet cleaning, a nasty situation, especially for the growing girls.
At 350 m from the school the parents recently started digging a well. The well is not deep
enough and it is a dangerous work and they do not know how to proceed. The school is built
in 3 land levels. Parents of the school children they work in the military camp as a daily labours. Families of
the children are very poor.
Realized, water and sanitation facilities:
Digging an open well (6meters deep and 2meters wide) and building the well with concrete
ring elements, well cleaning, well cover with steel sheet, construct pump house, supply
electric pump, electricity cable (230meters long cable) with panel board, construct steel
water tower with ladder and hand rail, construct a low concrete water tower and
reconstruct an existing concrete water tower ladder with hand rail, supply 1000L water tank,
reconstruct 1 latrine building, total pipeline system for the school premises and for the toilet
buildings, construct 6 hand washing units (1 unit has 4 taps) and 5 tap posts for school and 1
tap post for the community, the school is situated in 18 meters higher than the well.
Parents and children help: transport materials from gate to construction sites, digging for
the piping.
We had to spend more money than we estimated because,
We did estimate on end of the year 2018 for the project and we could not finished
the project within the deadline due to Easter attack in year 2019, and landslides due
to the heavy rain in middle of the year 2019 and also the COVD 19 pandemic. And by
the year 2020/2021 the prices of every materials increased more than 60%.
Because of the COVID 19 pandemic we had to restart the project several times.
We had to increase the salaries of the all staff in Kansarmen S L Foundation because
of the inflation in Sri Lanka.
When digging the well we had to break heavy hard rocks in the ground, and we had
to spend more money for the dynamite because we had estimated for a soft land.
(rock explosives).
We construct low concrete stand/ Iron water tower (12 feet high) and supply 2000L
water tank and renovate old concrete water stand in addition to the estimate.
Construct additional 3 hand washing units and 2 tap posts in addition to the
estimate. (Because of COVID 19 school needed more washing units for hand washing)