376. School Kadiyanlena Kanishta (CP)

A rural and poor primary school and a preschool with 70 children grade 1 – 5 from very poor families and 4 teachers use the new facilities.
School is situated in away from the Nawalapitiya city area in Central Province. Families living in this village is very poor, and children’s parents working in tea states as a daily labors. This school was closed because of lack of facilities to run the school, and the school was reopened in year 2016 that time they do not have water system for the school for drinking and for cleaning toilets even no water for some villagers (5 families) and also for the catholic church in village, in dry season they are struggling for water during the year.
Realized, improved water and sanitation facilities:
Reconstruct and clean the existing old well (3 meters long and 3 meters wide) 300 meters away from the school and make a well cover, supply water pump, pump house and electrical panel board and electrical cable, construct 1 iron water stand with two layers to keep 2 water tanks, supply 1000L two water tanks (1 tank for school and 1 tank for the preschool), total pipeline system in school premises and connected the pipelines to existing toilet buildings and extra pipe line to the church and to the community (9 families) from the source well, construct new 1 latrine and reconstruction of 3 urinals, construct 3 tap posts, construct 1 washing unit (1 unit has 4 taps), painted all our constructions.
Parents and community peoples help: transport materials from the gate to construction sites, digging for the pipe line and well construction.

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