325. School Udagama, Hospital, Temple & Pre-school

A rural and poor school with 300 children grade 1 – 13 and 29 teachers, 1 pre-school 35 children, Buddhist temple 40 persons, hospital 20 persons and 5 families 25 persons, use the new facilities.
The school is situated in isolated rural area and far from the city area in Central Province. In dry season there is no water at all, all the wells get dry and no water for drinking and even for cleaning purposes, so they have to walk about 800 meters for water, and they had very bad toilets. This school is struggling for water 6 months during the year, this is a terrible situation, especially for the girls in the school.
Majority of the parents working in vegetable farms for their family income and some others do daily labour, these villagers are very poor.
Realized, improved water and sanitation facilities:
The total costs go over the budget because in addition to the school, also water facilities have been built for a pre-school, temple and hospital.
Construct a new source well, construct a new low concrete water stand, supply a new 5000L water tank and brought water by gravity from the source well situated away from 1.5 km, total pipeline system for the school premises, construct a three new sinks (1 unit has 4 taps), Construct new 3 tap posts, construct 1 toilet and construct a new building with 4 urinals, reconstruction of existing 8 toilets, connect the new pipeline to the toilets, construct a new high concrete water tower with iron ladder with handrail, construct a new wash room with 5 showers for cadet students, connected the pipeline for the school teachers quarters.
Extend and connected the school pipeline to the Preschool nearby, and made 1 unit of sink, 1 tap post and connect the pipeline to the newly build urinal, and also connected the same pipeline to the meditating centre of the Buddhist Temple nearby the school and made a new low concrete stand to keep their existing 5000L water stock tank. Extended and connected the same school pipeline system to the village hospital, and paint all our constructions, Etc…
Parents and children help: transport materials from the gate to construction sites, digging and fixing for the pipe line and digging the toilet pits.



Parents are helping

Now the water is running!


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